Sunday 13 October 2013

What a great day

On Saturday I held a workshop in Perth and what a day that was. I did  my usual on Friday night and was running around like a headless chicken. Anne (you remember Tonto) my right hand women was phoning and checking if I was alright did I need a hand. Yep, I'm fine, no problem says I ( who am I kidding) I keep putting things in the boxes then a little later have to empty the box because I can't remember if I actually put them in or was thinking about putting them in. However the morning arrives and off I trot. Meet up with Anne and we get started organising the tables, chairs, paper etc.

Then all the ladies started to arrive.

 Had a quick look round and thought, yeh, this looks good. Their a bit quiet but hey ho their friendly. Well, let me tell you a very friendly bunch they certainly were, but quiet!!!!!!!!!! I don't think so. The  only time there was silence was when I let them play with the bleach. ( Must remember that for future reference).

 Anne and I had a fantastic time with these wonderful ladies. Remember your heel, toe ladies. I may be the tutor but I learn something new from the ladies each time I have a class. ( and it's not always to do with rubber stamping!)

So thank you all for your company and a great day. I hope I will have the pleasure of meeting you all again very soon.

Now I have to go and unpack the boxes, yuck

Happy crafting
Pauline x

Sunday 6 October 2013

Busy Busy Busy

Hi again, sorry for not blogging for a while. It is the usual, you think you have plenty of time and the all of a sudden you realise the days have crept in and you don't have enough time. Would someone like to tell me how some people manage to fit everything in and look as if it was no effort. Any way I am here now. Well next Saturday I have a Clarity workshop in Perth. I am really looking forward to it. I get to play with all my playmates for a full day of crafting. yeah. I am meant to be tutoring but it is just like playing isn't it and we always have a laugh.

Then in November 30th I am up at Aberdeen at the Papeterie for another workshop. I love going up there as I get to meet all the lovely ladies some old friends and I get to make new friends.  Today I have to get on and make another card for tomorrows class. It doesn't help when you have a mental block. I was chatting with Anne and I was suggesting cards and techniques. She was keeping me right with, No you did that last month, or we did that 3 months ago. It gets so frustrating when you forget when you have done something. I am going to have to start writing things down. Do you have CRAFT ( can't remember a flaming thing) moments? You do, don't you. Come on admit it, it isn't just me. Is it?

Right I have to go and get organised ( I use the term loosely) Speak to you all soon. The ladies coming on Saturday, remember, open mind, big smile and bring your lunch. Looking forward to seeing you all

See ya love P

Sunday 15 September 2013

Hi all

Just a Thank you to the ladies at the Class yesterday.
It is always nice to see them and they are like old friends. We had a great day but the time seemed to fly by. As ever my right hand women Tonto (I mean Anne) was there to keep me right. Just as well as I am sure I am becoming more forgetful as time goes on.

I suppose now I will have to get on with some housework. I don't have a card to make for tomorrow as the Monday class are bringing in their dies and having a night of cutting instead. So I don't have an excuse not to go and do it. yuck. Still it is raining outside and I should be able to get the most of the cleaning done quite quickly. So I might just be able to have a wee while playing in my craft room. he he.

Speak soon, toodlepip.

Monday 9 September 2013

The Naked Crafter

I called a few people today and one of my calls was to a lady I will now call the Naked Crafter ( you know who you are). I called to let her know about the new workshops. She was chatting away and saying how before she went into the shower she was looking for her acetate sheets. She came out of the shower and headed for the craft room to find them and caught sight of herself in the mirror butt naked. Well by this time I am creased up laughing. I just had this vision. Well the girls in the office are looking at me wondering whether I am laughing or crying. I am sure I just about had a Tena lady moment.
Laughter is a wonderful thing and can come from the most unexpected sources. So thank you Naked Crafter for brightening up my day.
Right I am off to sort the class for tonight. See you all soon.
Happy crafting

Saturday 7 September 2013

It,s Official

Well now it is official. I am soo excited to be doing the Claritystamp workshops. I couldn't tell you about it until it had all been sorted. Now we will be able to play with our Claritystamps and gelli plate and have loads of fun. I warn you though I am not known for having clean workshops. I love messing about with inks ect. The workshops listed are only the beginning. I will be in Glasgow and hopefully Inverness next year. Why not let me know if your interested and I can let you know whats happening.
I have to go and get some cleaning done now or I wont be able to sit and play tomorrow. Have a great weekend. Tara for now.

Friday 9 August 2013

Next Class 24th August 2013

Hi everyone, Just to let you know about the classes.

I keep the class numbers small so everyone can get my attention. The classes are suitable for all ,
levels of crafter.

There are only two things I insist on for those attending class

1. You must be prepared for raucous laughter
2. Do not wear your best clothes and do not expect to stay clean.

10th August 2013     St Ninians Cathedral, South Methven Street, Perth. 

Claritystamp               1pm until 3pm

24th August 2013     The Tilted Teapot ,   Cupar Angus Road    Perth

Gelli on a plate, gelli on a plate wibble wobble wibble wobble, gelli on a plate

Gelli Plate Class          10am-12am

Lets start at the very beginning. How to use your stamps

Claritystamp               1pm until 3pm

Places are very limited

If you would like to join us please contact me on
01821 640 517 or email to make your booking.

Happy crafting

SSHHHHH Can you keep a secret

I know I haven't been on here for wee while but life has not been very good. However that said, I have had the help and support of a loving family and some very good friends who have given me the necessary help and support and a good kick up the butt when needed. I am now back to my old self and I am raring to go.
I now have a very beautiful Blue eyed Lynx Snow Bengal cat called Whisper. She is absolutely perfect although my family are sure she is a figment of my imagination. She is very timid and hides, my son and daughter have never seen her yet. My lovely son I use the term loosely declared Mum, you have the bed the dish and the food, I have never seen a cat and neither has anyone else. It is a figment of your imagination. Have you any 7ft white rabbits. I am sure I heard him singing They,re coming to take you away ha ha
I have some exciting news which I can't tell you about just yet. My tongue is bleeding I am biting it so hard. lol.  I can say Scottish Clarity Stampers keep a look out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was sad to see Ruby Rose close. Mike and Mandy were always so helpful and nice. I hope that they enjoy whatever they have decided to do. The stamping class, I am glad to say carries on across the road in St Ninians Cathedral. The ladies are settling in nicely and the Cathedral staff have been very helpful. Keep an eye on my workshop dates as you will see a few classes going on in different places.
Right I am off to get all the class stuff sorted. See you all soon.
Happy Crafting

Thursday 21 March 2013

OK I am Back.

Hi everyone,
 Well I am back and hopefully getting back on track. I have posted the dates for my All Day Workshop and a few dates for my normal workshops.  Anyone wants to join me, just give the shop a ring and book on. It would be great to meet you. I am now getting the tutorials sorted and hope to have a couple on the site next week. That of course if the computer does what I tell it.!! See you soon I hope. Toodleloo.

All Day Workshop

All day workshop 6th April 2013

 at Ruby Rose Crafts, South Methven Street, Perth.

10am until 4pm ish
In this workshop we will be making photo frames
and cards using masks and stencils and lots of other things.
The cost is £25.00 bring your own lunch.
Tea/Coffee and biscuits will be provided.
Come and join us for some fun but don't expect to stay clean!!!!!
Please contact Ruby Rose to make your booking, spaces are limited