Saturday, 7 September 2013

It,s Official

Well now it is official. I am soo excited to be doing the Claritystamp workshops. I couldn't tell you about it until it had all been sorted. Now we will be able to play with our Claritystamps and gelli plate and have loads of fun. I warn you though I am not known for having clean workshops. I love messing about with inks ect. The workshops listed are only the beginning. I will be in Glasgow and hopefully Inverness next year. Why not let me know if your interested and I can let you know whats happening.
I have to go and get some cleaning done now or I wont be able to sit and play tomorrow. Have a great weekend. Tara for now.


  1. Hi Pauline. I loved the clarity workshop in Perth and would love to come to your workshops but I think next Saturday will be a bit too early for me to arrange but hopefully the ones after that and def the weekend one in February. Hope it all goes well. Laurane x

    1. Great, I am looking forward to meeting you again. We will have a great time.
