Friday 21 September 2012

Hi !  I 'm back. Thank goodness it is Friday. Now for the weekend, my favourite time. This weekend I am going to arrange to have my first tutorial prepared and hopefully have it on my blog. I love different techniques but I think I will start with a simple technique. This will give me a chance to come to terms with this blogging thing. I am sure there are many of you out there shouting at me just now saying It's easy peasy. Can I just say that when I was young calculators were just becoming popular. This should give you an indication of my age and no I am not telling you how old I am.

Anyway I digress. As I said I am hoping to have a tutorial done. So I am going to disappear for now and try and get it sorted.

So please do pop back and see me I really would appreciate a comment to let me know if I am on the right track.

Toodlepip, See you soon

Tuesday 18 September 2012

As you know doubt can see I am still trying to get this blogging thing sorted. Anyone that knows me will already be burying their heads in their hands. Computers and I just do not see eye to eye. However I am not going to give up. (yet)

Well last night was our weekly craft class in Guildtown. The ladies were up to their usual mischief but we did get the two cards made even if there were cats and wreaths going missing (usually to be found on the floor). It still amazes me that we all start off with the same cards,stamps and inks and yet there will be six entirely different finished cards. Brilliant.

Off to do the ironing, or I may take the wrong turning and end up in the craft room. lol
See you soon

Saturday 15 September 2012

Nice of you to join me. I have set up this blog for people who enjoy getting messy whilst making their masterpieces.