Friday 21 September 2012

Hi !  I 'm back. Thank goodness it is Friday. Now for the weekend, my favourite time. This weekend I am going to arrange to have my first tutorial prepared and hopefully have it on my blog. I love different techniques but I think I will start with a simple technique. This will give me a chance to come to terms with this blogging thing. I am sure there are many of you out there shouting at me just now saying It's easy peasy. Can I just say that when I was young calculators were just becoming popular. This should give you an indication of my age and no I am not telling you how old I am.

Anyway I digress. As I said I am hoping to have a tutorial done. So I am going to disappear for now and try and get it sorted.

So please do pop back and see me I really would appreciate a comment to let me know if I am on the right track.

Toodlepip, See you soon

1 comment:

  1. Hello Pauline, like the colours nice bright and cheery. Love the cards you have in your gallery. Hope you are well and got the catalogue ok speak soon.

